A-List Workforce Management for the Entertainment Industry

Source more qualified candidates, faster

With so much talent looking to break into the entertainment industry, the process of sorting candidates can get overwhelming. VCS makes recruiting more efficient than ever before with our applicant tracking tool that identifies specific skill sets needed for a job, and the most qualified candidates. Once on board, our software can help you retain and up-skill employees, tracking new skill acquisitions, certifications and learning opportunities.

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entertainment industry

Calculate & monitor true workforce costs

With the entertainment industry growing at a fast rate comes increased labor costs. With VCS, there’s no guessing on workforce costs, even when outsourcing payroll. Our smart solutions provide a complete breakdown of costs and expenses for each employee. Confirm in a single glance that each worker is being compensated fairly, and costs are in line with company goals and policies. Instantly identify and flag compensation anomalies. Use the real-time data analytics in VCS intelligent solutions to accurately calculate and quantify any workforce data needed.

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