Small Business HR Software Solutions

Manage all your compliance requirements easily and effectively.

Manage complex reporting requirements easily and effectively with our small business HR solutions

The employee management landscape for small businesses grows more complex daily, with new employment laws, regulations, and requirements to track and fulfill. With employment lawsuits on the rise and compensatory awards nearing an average of $500,000, noncompliance can be costly and detrimental to your business. VCS software takes HR compliance issues off the table, managing any and all compliance requirements easily and effectively.

Small Business HR Software Solutions
Manage complex reporting requirements easily and effectively with our small business HR solutions

Better recruit and retain top talent while meeting compliance requirements

Hiring the right employees is critical for your business and we know how to help you get the job done. Our integration with JazzHR, the top applicant tracking system (ATS), allows you to effortlessly streamline the entire process by speeding up time to hire, increasing recruiting efficiency, and better attracting top talent. Once on board, our software can help you build existing employees into even better ones. HR leaders can monitor and track employee training and certifications, so they always know when an employee has acquired new skills that makes them eligible for additional working jobs or promotions.

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