Smart Workforce Management Financial Firms Can Bank On

Ensure Compliance is Met on Every Level

With the risks of fines and penalties for failing to comply with regulatory requirements and labor laws, it’s critical that compliance management is not overlooked by financial firms. Using outdated technology increases these risks — VCS software keeps them at bay.

Automation within our platform enables you to configure complex work and pay rules and apply them accurately. Real-time data and reporting are available to ensure compliance is met on every level. Our software provides the key tools — employee scheduling, time & attendance, and payroll functionality — needed to optimize workforce performance and productivity. Totally customizable to your firm — whatever you need to better manage your workforce, VCS can make it happen.

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Recruit & Retain Talent the Smart Way

VCS provides tools to recruit, train, and retain the quality employees’ financial firms count on to power tomorrow’s growth.

Make recruiting more efficient than ever before with our applicant tracking tool that identifies specific skill sets needed for a job, and the most qualified candidates. Ensure your employees are growing along with your firm and always remaining an asset by utilizing VCS software to track new skill acquisitions, certifications and learning opportunities. Retain great employees, and attract new ones, with our software that streamlines the perks that employees value the most, including work/life balance.

Over 4500 Customers Trust Our Experience

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