The Retail Industry’s One Stop Shop for Better Workforce Management

Meet complex compliance and reporting requirements

More than half of retail businesses identify the complexity of compliance requirements and their own lack of time as the two greatest impediments to meeting the mandates of changing laws and regulations. VCS can eliminate these hassles with our workforce management solutions that automate compliance and reporting requirements, whatever their complexity. Plus, we can also ensure organizational readiness for any legislative changes or government audits.

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Forecast and plan staffing needs for today, tomorrow & beyond

Most retailers admit that they don’t have the capabilities to properly predict and plan for labor needs, with many lacking access to the data needed to report on key performance indicators (KPIs). VCS can make unpreparedness a problem of the past with tools to forecast and plan for future operational needs and continued readiness. Our real-time data analytics accurately calculate and quantify any workforce information needed so you’re never left guessing again.

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