Fire & EMS Rescue

Smart Workforce Management Solutions for Fire & EMS Rescue

Effective workforce management for first responders starts with communications

VCS signature solution FIRES ensures that first response agencies communicate, set staffing levels, and schedule their workforces easily and effectively. Modern communication systems are a must, but many fire and EMS departments lack the resources to upgrade. FIRES solves workforce communication challenges with text & email-based notifications for better communication. With many agencies enduring staffing shortages, our software manages overtime needs created by shortages, including staffing for multiple scheduling patterns including 24 on/48 off while adhering to fatigue policies.

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Use AI to manage training, licensing, and scheduling

Additionally, FIRES allows organizations to distribute overtime fairly, and calculate payroll rules. Our software automatically ensures the right employees with the right skill sets are always in the right place at the right time. We also make sure all the training and licensing renewals that critical skills environments demand are achieved and reported. FIRES ensures that employees consistently remain up-to-date on all training and required certifications.

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